Sunday, December 20, 2009

Needs and fulfilling them

Perhaps it's about time I blogged again. Can sort of tell how long I haven't blogged given that even my background somehow got deleted hahaha. Haven't really found much time since my last post due to army/studies but now it's the holidays I guess it's rather easy to dig out some time =)

Well over the past few months I've been having random thoughts here and there as to what to blog on and they've just been coming and going so I suppose I'll just blog about what I've been pondering about more in the past few days.

You know, it's natural human instinct to fulfill a need when it comes. Like for instance, if you feel thirsty, chances are you'll be looking for water to drink and when you feel cold, perhaps you'll grab a jacket or a blanket. Similarly, when you feel empty inside, you'll be looking for things to do like going out with friends, playing games, reading books - anything that can kill time and make you feel occupied. You have the need, you recognize the need, you fulfill the need.

The exact same thing goes on in our spiritual lives too. What I've noticed about myself is that my QT is sometimes really short, sometimes really long. And coincidentally, or maybe not so, the times where I seek God more is in periods like during exams, when I'm feeling lost/down, or in times of difficulty.

The trend seems to be that the time I spend with God is proportional to how much I need to, or how hard things seem to be getting for me to cope with alone. It may be really easy to shove God to one side once I see good results for my exams, when I'm having fun out with my friends, sleeping in peace and waking up to a whole new day with many things planned out perfectly. Then again, during the more challenging times, more evidently during the period just before exams, no matter how tired I am, I would always commit myself to God, seek His comfort, His wisdom, His love.

All this again points back to our needs which will always be around and how we fulfill them. Christians have it easy as they always have a solution through God. Which brings me to the point which I have been thinking of now and then.

So many people out there who don't believe in God, or maybe even some Christians who don't see the need to commit themselves to God... Ask a few pre-believers (as I prefer to call them) and you'll get a range of answers like...

~ Why do I need a God?
~ I'm self sufficient, I don't need this God to help me
~ Things are fine as they are, why change things
~ The storm will come and go. Nothing will make it any different

Of course, there may be many different answers but one major reason why some people don't believe may be because they don't recognize the need that they have. Either that, or they think that this need can be solved on their own, without the help of anybody else. Needs can only be met once they are recognized. As an analogy, who eats without feeling hungry (with the exception of indulgence of course =x)?

There are other addressable points of what I have just posted just like is it right to only seek God when we recognize the need to? But well, that'll be enough for a whole new post I suppose. Not too sure how to end this particular post cause as I said, it was just another of those random thoughts that go through my mind...

--- just another random thought >.< ---

Saturday, May 23, 2009

His promises

It's been about 2 and a half months into the army alrdy... Throughout the course I had thought of a thousand and one things of what to blog... ranging from Godlessness in the army, conformity, how army pushes you to God, random army thoughts etc etc etc.

But today, I finally decided to shove all those to one side and blog about one thing - His promises.

Ok let's rollback to..... 6 months ago.

I was doing my QT one night... and that particular night, I concluded QT with one promise from God: You will pass your NAPHA test.

Ok let's see my situation then... my pull-ups CMI. my SBJ could barely pass. 2.4km run... my stitch didn't really allow me to run properly. I didn't give up though, I believed God would keep His promise, so I figured that, maybe he wants me to train! Ok i did.

1 month later, guess what? It was the final NAPHA test and I passed ALL STATIONS INCLUDING MY PULL-UPS =O Ok it was really exciting for me then cause that never really did happen in my 18 year history of living. So I was quite geared up for my 2.4 km. I went off with a good start, 2 minutes per round for 3 rounds... But guess what? My stitch appeared 50 METRES INTO THE RUN. Well, it paralyzed me (almost literally) for the 5th and 6th round, bringing my timing up to 20+ minutes...

So then, I ended up into the PTP batch.

What's this God... Didn't you tell me I would pass??

Well, honestly, I kinda forgot about that promise every now and then since PTP = fail in NAPHA or didn't take. Yes I belong to the first category. The only time I remembered that promise was around the IPPT (NAPHA equivalent in a way) dates. And it wasn't helping since the passing standard was pushed from 4 pull-ups to 6.

Guess what. I failed the all 3 IPPTs they gave.

SO. The 4th IPPT came. I wasn't in a very good condition that day. Woke up tired, lethargic, sleepy, muscles aching. Not very good, and to think I rememberd His promise once again the night before. Well, it was the final IPPT (apart from REs) and so, I put my hands together, and said, "LORD, I commit this day and this test to You"

Sit-ups and shuttle run were no problem I guess. When it came to the pull-ups, I remembered that just 2 days ago I could only do.. 4. But God gave me strength indeed. Amen to that. SOMEHOW, I managed to do an awesome 7 (which was pushed down to 6 cause the last one was a "kicking" pull-up. JUST NICE to pass)

Standing broad jump - my past IPPTs were hovering around 1-2 points. very unstable, need 2 points to pass. My first jump gave me 1 point. My second.. gave me THREE.

Hallelujah. Now, it's all down to running again! Just like my NAPHA 5 months ago... I remembered His promise, and I believed that God would keep His promise. However, the sickening thought of a stitch appearing just like 5 months ago was bugging me still. The passing mark was 12 minutes 20 seconds, my previous run with NO stitch was 12 minutes 25 seconds.

So a short prayer to commit the run to the LORD and I was off. Didn't go too bad, until halfway through, I had a stitch >_>

Many thoughts were running through my mind again:

This stitch is just gonna make me fail again
Did I really hear God wrongly? Maybe I wouldn't pass?
This is exactly like my last NAPHA where I pass everything but fail the run
Oh well, I'll just go for the re-IPPT

All these thoughts continued for the entire duration of the remaining run. Not very encouraging really, but I pressed on, giving whatever my stitch allowed me too, hoping to meet 12.20.

My final timing: 12.18

"You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the LORD your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed" - Joshua 23:14

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Pulau Tekong

Quote from wiki... Tekong means "an obstacle" Oh yeah indeed it will be an obstacle for me....

I enlist tomorrow for those of you who don't know haha. Well I just got my packing done, but I still gotta get some things wrapped up before I go while having my mum telling me to sleep... so I shall just cut to the chase.

Please pray for me.

1) That I will stay close to the LORD, regardless of the environment. Never to submit to peer pressure or the like, never to chase worldly desires but only to chase God

2) That I will stand up for God, to be the salt and light of the.... camp. Not be the passive passive kind of Christian who couldn't care less but rather one who will look for opportunites which will be abound.

3) That I won't die o.O I got this annoying stitch which sometimes appears when I run as much as 100m... No good for the extensive running that the army puts you through especially with a 15kg full pack..

4) Oh I almost forgot this one. That God will send healing upon me ASAP =D Fell sick 2 days ago but by God's grace, I am well except for a rather bad sore throat.

I'm guessing that's about it... Ok, I should be getting of to do whatever I need to do. I've spend a precious 5 minutes on this already. Good night my friends, take care, God bless you. I'll be praying for each one of you too... if I'm not too caught up complaining to God about the conditions in Tekong.... tata

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Post-A Level results thoughts

Seated with my class, I was extremely nervous when my name wasn't called up under the "4 distinctions for 4 content subjects" category... Somehow that was so even though I knew for sure I wouldn't be called up.

As the list proceeded to the "3 distinctions for 4 content subjects" category, somehow, this feeling of uncertainty and nervousness was escalating in my heart as the classes of SA, SB and SC were going past... I do not know why, I was just really scared actually.

Then suddenly, my name was called. There was this feeling of sudden relief over any other feeling, be it joy or accomplishment.

As I walked up towards the stage, I felt tears falling from my eyes. They were tears of relief, tears of joy. On hindsight, I realise that I do not deserve the results that I got.

Even right now, I know that all this wouldn't have been possible if God had not been behind me all the way. It was Him who saw me through the studying, it was Him who kept me calm during the papers and it was Him who sustained me through the entire examination period. It really makes me wonder how bad things would have gotten if I had not turned to God throughout the exam period and relied solely on my own strength and capability.

Father, I thank You LORD for seeing me through this period, thank You for all you have helped me, for all You have given me. Thank You for assissting me so faithfully, no matter how undeserving I was. Indeed LORD, I shall sing of Your grace and Your mercy forever and ever. Amen.

Pre-A level results thoughts

I'm writing this post 2 days before the release of the A level results... perhaps right now my thoughts will be more rational than on Friday regardless of my results. So on Friday itself, I'll just copy paste this thing here and read it through myself... Hopefully God will use this to speak volumes to me after I get my results.

Just 1 or 2 days ago, I was thinking about results and what the future would hold for me. For those of you who don't know, I'm aiming for NUS medicine. The course with exceptionally high demands, both in terms of number of applicants and the results required. 2 Bs or 1 C and I can forget about even trying...

Well, on the very same night, I was reminded of the message given to us during CF by Ms Choo Wan Xian if i'm not wrong. The key verse was from Psalm 37:4

"Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart."

Of course, it would be really easy to relate this verse to: I'll delight myself in the LORD and He will get me those straight As! Hurray! But the very crux of that message was trying to tell us that, if we will really seek God with all our heart, all our soul and all our strength, we find that the verse holds so much more truth and so much more substance than just our earthly desires. Eventually, the desires of our heart, will be to delight ourselves in the LORD. No other earthly treasure or accomplishment can compare to a true and intimate relationship with our LORD.

That message was indeed one of those which has taught me much. Well, to be very honest, if I actually remember a message, that means it has really taught me alot =x So all in all, when we come back to the outcome of the A level results, what really does it matter even if I can't apply to any university, or if I get accepted immediately by NUS? Instead of mourning over my results or jumping in the air rejoicing over them, I know, in my heart, that I desire to delight in the LORD even in the face of any uncertainty that I might possibly behold.

Furthermore, God has given us the assurance that no matter the circumstances that we are in, we are where we are for that is where we will grow and prosper the most. I will always remember this verse which has seen me through many years of my life thus far.

"For I know the plans I have for you, decalres the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future" - Jeremiah 29:11

My dad has been making preparations for me to study in Australia, UK or wherever in the event I cannot get into NUS as he knows I really want to do medicine, but right now I would say that no matter where I go, no matter my results, I will trust in God's perfect plan for me. If He has plans for me to study a course other than medicine, I will gladly follow where He leads me, for He knows best.

Friends, I am writing this, not only for myself, but also to remind us all that God is faithful in all times, and that we can always smile, knowing that He holds our future in His hands, and that His love will see us through all things.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


One of the questions I find that we, in our Christian walk, come across is why? Why does God allow Christians to be persecuted? Why does He allow people to leave the world due to tragic accidents? Why does He allow all the bloodshed to continue? Why does He seem not to care?

Life after the A's was rather uneventful... But recently it has been quite eventful. Overly eventful in fact. So much so that I wish some things just didn't happen. Somehow it just raises the question - why? Why did that happen?

I am posed with this question by others and even myself every now and then - Why does God allow so and so to happen? Yes, God has plans, but what does He want to achieve by making this and that happen? I realise that I can find no answer to that question.

I once thought it would be so much better if God just tells us His plans for us right smack in our face instead of letting us question all the happenings around us. Now that's quite ironic since I have reasoned otherwise with others who suggested the same thing to me. Unfortunately, even though I understand why God wouldn't want to tell us too much, I still wish to know His reasons for allowing what's happening right now.

Perhaps instead of asking those questions above, we could instead ask ourselves other questions such as why can't we have implicit faith in God? Why can't we fully trust His plans for He knows what's best? Why can't we chase His heart with all our soul, with all our mind and with all our heart? Then again, it all comes back to the same question of why.

I believe I won't find the answer to anything anytime soon, but I pray that God will continue to reveal His plan in His perfect timing to not just me, but everyone else.