Monday, January 25, 2010

Find rest my soul
In Christ alone
Know His power
In quietness and trust


Monday, January 18, 2010

Time and tide waits for nobody

So it's the second week of school already, and there are so many things that I have to do, so many more things that I intend to do. I always had this theory about myself that if I need time, I'll make time. Somehow. Usually it seems to work, pity I just don't make enough time 9/10 times. Just today and yesterday, I ended up waking up 2 hours after I "decided" to study.

Perhaps I'm just not used to going into full-swing mode the moment school starts. Honestly, still partially in a holiday mood. My secondary school teacher used to say that we need a holiday to get over a holiday. How true. But well, during the holidays, I suppose God kept me well rested, gave me strength and perseverance, ready to carry out His calling. Though many times I don't see why God wants me to do what He tells me to, I'll follow by faith, for I'm stepping out into the unknown with the comfort that He is with me and beside me. And of crouse, I'll trust that He will help me make the time for it as well.

I'm sure for many if not all of us, it always seems that there isn't enough time to do everything we want to. Time always seems to be controlling us and in the end, we'll be submitting to the pressures of time by giving up one thing or another. I'm reminded of a church sermon where the pastor was talking to us about chronos which referred to time as it is, versus kairos, which referred to a time where special moments happen, or glimpses of heaven as he described.. Are we too caught up in chronos moments, so much so that we totally miss the kairos moments in our lives? He gave the example of Jesus, in which He was always in control of time instead of being controlled by time. "My time has not yet come" He would often say.

So again, now that I find I need time, I will make time... somehow... hopefully I can capture the kairos moments in my life even as it gets more packed and busier, be it due to school, God's calling or even my personal activities.

LORD Jesus, empower me. Amen.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The path ahead

The sad reality just occured to me: holidays are ending =(

I remember how in the past, be it secondary school or JC, a 1 month holiday would get boring after a while due to the sheer length of the holiday. I'll find that nothing else can be done save for lazing/bumming around. Then here I am now, feeling that a 1 month holiday seemed like just over a week. That only means that another stressful term awaits me. More hours spend in the lecture theatre being bombarded by foreign information, more hours spend in the tutorial rooms giving the professors a blank look when posed with questions, and more hours in the lab looking at different cells which really all look like circles with a dot in it.

And of course, there's the CA results which everyone is wating for in anxiousness and trepidation. Everyone's worried, unsure of how they have done, especially so after some minor topic got blown up into an essay question. Needless to say, I'm one of those who aren't exactly keen on knowing the results.

However, the past few days, I was constantly reminded of 2 different quotes of very similar meanings that I've come across:

If God puts you through something, He will get you through it
If God bids me fly, I'll trust Him for the wings (as opposed to if God gives me wings, I'll fly)

So I've come to a conclusion that since God has placed me where I am right now after carving out the way so well for me, I am confident that, by faith, affirmed by prayer, He will see me through the entire course. It may not be easy to be totally calm about CA results, but at least I have a hope that I can abide in =)