Tuesday, February 22, 2011

So how does it all add up?

VCF today and dinner with couple of VCF seniors + batch mates yesterday. Put this two together and I got myself thinking quite a fair bit...

My thoughts have been revolving around commitments to VCF and academics... oriented more towards the long term view of it.. Many questions have surfaced; many can't be answered; those that can only serve to generate more questions

It doesn't really take much of a rational person to feel that going for VCF is "a waste of time". Considering how e.g. today, I'm back at 10.30pm, all drained and tired, knowing I need to study but simply am unable to focus. And also how the cell group/bible study discussions aren't exactly the way I expected it to be when I first joined (but definitely not implying it isn't good). Then after that comes the need for people to step up into leadership positions, of which I'm totally unsure if I can commit, or even be up to the mark for it

Now of course, those points alone would probably mean that I should have quit eons ago. But then, I come to think about how the fellowship within VCF is so warm and so cheerful; it's yet another avenue of which I can remain grounded in the Word; and the part that I sort of enjoy are parts where there are discussions, tending somewhat towards the theological side where there are differing opinions and views... nobody knows for sure who is right or wrong except God Himself. One such example: Did Jesus die for the elect, or for every single person? (and somewhere for the cats and dogs too came in o.O) It's discussions like these which lead me to probe further, and to know the Bible better. Not forgetting too that there are occassional reminders being thrown out here and there during group discussions about our daily lives and spiritual lives.

I'm supposing that the overall picture comes to what I'm doing now: Go for VCF when I'm in school (since I'm there already anyway) and probably play the disappearing act when I'm not. It all seems good, until the question about CGLing comes up. No way can I maintain this pattern of attendance if I'm to lead a group. Which brings up more questions: Am I able to commit time to VCF as a CGL? Will I even be alert enough during the sessions considering how clinicals will be so much more drianing? And most importantly: Am I spiritually mature enough to lead a group? - to the last question, I'ld doubt it.

Then comes the questions for the academic part... most of which stemmed from the dinner yesterday. Summing it all up into a bunch of questions:
~ How important, really, are grades?
~ And again, how important are they, after considering the new residency programme?
~ What is it, that we truly hope to achieve after these 5 years?
~ Do we know how exactly life would be like next time? As a GP, as a specialist?
~ Looking not so far ahead: do we/would we fully understand and empathise with the patients in the bed, who are "at the mercy" of medical students?

I was thinking about all these issues on the way home in the train... Unfortunately, instead of finding answers, my thoughts drifted to how my life has changed since uni started... I realised that since the start of uni, I haven't really had much time to think about such problems. School days were effectively burned, holidays were spent either studying or doing things that would never otherwise get done during school days e.g. going overseas, catching up with past friends etc

And how about the upcoming years? Life doesn't seem like it'll get much better. Now add on the fact that I'm currently studying at a pathetically slow rate (which would 101% mean supps if I keep this up) and the fact that, for an unkown reason, I've been ravaged by the sleep monster lately (12 hours of sleep a day would seem just sufficient for me now =s)... I really don't know where I'm currently at... ... ... And oh dear. I just remembered EAMSC too. Did I really make a bad decision joining?

So how does all this add up? Sigh~ questions, more questions and lack of time. Isn't this an evergreen phenomenon? I really don't know when I'll get the chance to find answers but somewhere, somehow, sometime I'll have to

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The 27 hour day

From 7am to 10am.

Sequence of events went from uneventful school to EAMSC interview, on to Worship Under The Stars at ACJC and then to the crazy bunch of rangers.

Thinking about whether to apply to the EAMSC comm was really a tough decision. It all had to do with thinking of how it would all balance out: EAMSC, school/clinicals, VCF. On one hand, it would be lots of fun and a load of experiencing + networking gained for being part of EAMSC while on the other hand, that would mean less time, less energy and less commitments in other areas... most notably school and VCF - at least for what i foresaw. In the end, I decided that I would just apply, and if God wills it, I'll get through the interview to be selected.

Today (after waking up at 2+pm =x) I read the sms came in - that I'm in the committee. With whatever thinking capacity I had in my sleepy state, I looked into still air as I wondered about the coming year (and also a bit on how come I got a similar but still different post from what I applied for o.O). Even right now, the planning stage has already begun and I fear to think of how busy things will get in the coming year. But as always, I take comfort in the fact that God would never put me into something without giving me the strength to go through it

Worship Under The Stars~ and a ceiling. The event was moved to the hall due to rain even though at 7pm there was zero rain left falling. Oh well, it was still great to back in ACJC, feeling the nostalgia as I walked past the north lodge, concourse, field etc. Great to see seniors, juniors and techers once again and most of all, the experience of worshipping God back in the hall. Then during the short sermon, I suddenly found out that =O i'm a J5. Gosh. Time flies. It was so long ago that I was still having fun in ACJC, virtually free of stress (at least compared to now) and so much more carefree. Time changes so many things...

Proceeded on to dhoby ghaut after that to meet up with the bunch of crazy people who choose to meet at 10pm instead of 10am. A night of LAN, movie and coffee + later breakfast... I'm thinking - for how long more would I be able to do this? But then again, I would rather stick to the standard afternoon meeting time even if there somehow is time for me to do it again lol

So ended up coming home, and by 10+, concussing on my bed after a refreshing shower. Such days are tiring, but usually the most tiring days are the most fulfilling days :) How nice if everyday was devoted to worshipping God and meeting friends... yea, that'll be good... mm... ok i'm back to reality

The coming academic year... or even now will probably will be much terribly busier than before due to EAMSC but I believe that God will provide. And in all things, I shall aim to do things for Him and not for man. LORD, may You see me through with Your blessings