Thursday, March 12, 2009

Pulau Tekong

Quote from wiki... Tekong means "an obstacle" Oh yeah indeed it will be an obstacle for me....

I enlist tomorrow for those of you who don't know haha. Well I just got my packing done, but I still gotta get some things wrapped up before I go while having my mum telling me to sleep... so I shall just cut to the chase.

Please pray for me.

1) That I will stay close to the LORD, regardless of the environment. Never to submit to peer pressure or the like, never to chase worldly desires but only to chase God

2) That I will stand up for God, to be the salt and light of the.... camp. Not be the passive passive kind of Christian who couldn't care less but rather one who will look for opportunites which will be abound.

3) That I won't die o.O I got this annoying stitch which sometimes appears when I run as much as 100m... No good for the extensive running that the army puts you through especially with a 15kg full pack..

4) Oh I almost forgot this one. That God will send healing upon me ASAP =D Fell sick 2 days ago but by God's grace, I am well except for a rather bad sore throat.

I'm guessing that's about it... Ok, I should be getting of to do whatever I need to do. I've spend a precious 5 minutes on this already. Good night my friends, take care, God bless you. I'll be praying for each one of you too... if I'm not too caught up complaining to God about the conditions in Tekong.... tata

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Post-A Level results thoughts

Seated with my class, I was extremely nervous when my name wasn't called up under the "4 distinctions for 4 content subjects" category... Somehow that was so even though I knew for sure I wouldn't be called up.

As the list proceeded to the "3 distinctions for 4 content subjects" category, somehow, this feeling of uncertainty and nervousness was escalating in my heart as the classes of SA, SB and SC were going past... I do not know why, I was just really scared actually.

Then suddenly, my name was called. There was this feeling of sudden relief over any other feeling, be it joy or accomplishment.

As I walked up towards the stage, I felt tears falling from my eyes. They were tears of relief, tears of joy. On hindsight, I realise that I do not deserve the results that I got.

Even right now, I know that all this wouldn't have been possible if God had not been behind me all the way. It was Him who saw me through the studying, it was Him who kept me calm during the papers and it was Him who sustained me through the entire examination period. It really makes me wonder how bad things would have gotten if I had not turned to God throughout the exam period and relied solely on my own strength and capability.

Father, I thank You LORD for seeing me through this period, thank You for all you have helped me, for all You have given me. Thank You for assissting me so faithfully, no matter how undeserving I was. Indeed LORD, I shall sing of Your grace and Your mercy forever and ever. Amen.

Pre-A level results thoughts

I'm writing this post 2 days before the release of the A level results... perhaps right now my thoughts will be more rational than on Friday regardless of my results. So on Friday itself, I'll just copy paste this thing here and read it through myself... Hopefully God will use this to speak volumes to me after I get my results.

Just 1 or 2 days ago, I was thinking about results and what the future would hold for me. For those of you who don't know, I'm aiming for NUS medicine. The course with exceptionally high demands, both in terms of number of applicants and the results required. 2 Bs or 1 C and I can forget about even trying...

Well, on the very same night, I was reminded of the message given to us during CF by Ms Choo Wan Xian if i'm not wrong. The key verse was from Psalm 37:4

"Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart."

Of course, it would be really easy to relate this verse to: I'll delight myself in the LORD and He will get me those straight As! Hurray! But the very crux of that message was trying to tell us that, if we will really seek God with all our heart, all our soul and all our strength, we find that the verse holds so much more truth and so much more substance than just our earthly desires. Eventually, the desires of our heart, will be to delight ourselves in the LORD. No other earthly treasure or accomplishment can compare to a true and intimate relationship with our LORD.

That message was indeed one of those which has taught me much. Well, to be very honest, if I actually remember a message, that means it has really taught me alot =x So all in all, when we come back to the outcome of the A level results, what really does it matter even if I can't apply to any university, or if I get accepted immediately by NUS? Instead of mourning over my results or jumping in the air rejoicing over them, I know, in my heart, that I desire to delight in the LORD even in the face of any uncertainty that I might possibly behold.

Furthermore, God has given us the assurance that no matter the circumstances that we are in, we are where we are for that is where we will grow and prosper the most. I will always remember this verse which has seen me through many years of my life thus far.

"For I know the plans I have for you, decalres the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future" - Jeremiah 29:11

My dad has been making preparations for me to study in Australia, UK or wherever in the event I cannot get into NUS as he knows I really want to do medicine, but right now I would say that no matter where I go, no matter my results, I will trust in God's perfect plan for me. If He has plans for me to study a course other than medicine, I will gladly follow where He leads me, for He knows best.

Friends, I am writing this, not only for myself, but also to remind us all that God is faithful in all times, and that we can always smile, knowing that He holds our future in His hands, and that His love will see us through all things.