To recommit oneself... recommit to God. That's always one of the options provided by AC during REW when slips of paper are given out to everybody.
It seems like a good thing if a child of His ticks that box to say, God, I want to recommit my life to you once again. But what does it mean? It means that the child of His has strayed away, not giving two hoots about who God is, not caring about what He thinks, and just living a life like He never existed... To recommit, would mean that that child of God has realised this, and wants to go back into His arms. To recommit, it means that uncommitment had previously occurred.
The past few months have been rough - spiritually and in other fields too. While I found myself drifting, I found myself yearning to be back my God's side... but how many times must I recommit myself to God? How many times must I stray from Him before I truly stay with Him and in His word? How many times must I live my life as if I never knew God before?
Recommitment sounds like a good thing, but on a daily basis? Oh, for sure not.
My LORD, I pray I won't have a chance to recommit myself to you again, for if I'm always committed to You, recommitment isn't an option. May You keep me by Your side, now, and forever more, amen.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
11:29 PM
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